Nulune Anueh


Name: Nulune Anueh
Age: 42
Race: Void-turned Elezen/Succubus
Sexuality: Bi, with heavy female leaning
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Conjurer for hire
Personality: Friendly
Backstory: Nulune is an elezen of Ishgardian origin, hailing from a blood line that some time in the past had made a bargain with a voidsent that has since tainted her line. While over the countless generations, this taint has grown weaker and weaker, it still has continued enough that those who are born with it are permanently made to hunger for aether, and this hunger grows stronger and stronger each time that it is indulged.Having felt this hunger since as early as she could remember, she left home to join the conjurers guild as soon as she could and while this has helped to provide her the aether that she needs, it is not entirely enough, especially as the corruption within her has grown. Still though, her training as a conjurer has led her to be able to offer her services as a healer and spends most of her days out away from any form of civilization as she gets hired often to help protect convoys or explorers delving into dangerous places. This would also give good opportunity on such excursions might allow her to pick off folks if needed without too many questions, whether that be allies or even the bandits or other enemies that would end up being killed anyways.

Roleplay Hooks

Roleplay Hooks: Mostly is able to be found at the Gilded Knob, a venue that she works at. Although she is still willing to be hired as an adventurer and healer for hire, most of her time now is either spent at the Knob or honing her skills as a crafter. Still though, she is willing to be brought along to dangerous places in search of loot, relics, or (and this always very much catches my attention) searching for any lost or forbidden knowledge.

OOC Information

Rather friendly player as well as character, open to RP with pretty much anyone although intimate RP is preferably with female characters. Character and player are both a switch, usually more on the submissive side but with the right inspiration can be played in the more dominant role.

Carrd created by CowboyCatto#6000